Community Engagement Proposal: Miguel Vias for Liquidity Growth Strategies

Could we detail more his role as we have hired a few people already that seem to overlap his expertise?

Bremner HIRED
His collaboration with the Rally Network would enable him to use his expertise to build go-to-market initiatives to drive further creator adoption of the Rally Network. In his activities, Bremner would oversee sales and marketing campaigns that will introduce Creator Coin to new, diverse creators and networks, and operationalize creator onboarding, enabling creators to successfully onboard and drive adoption of their Creator Coin economies. Additionally, Bremner would help increase the awareness of Rally’s core value propositions through content marketing and brand marketing initiatives. {Engaging Bremner Morris for Go-To-Market success}
Spitzer HIRED
His collaboration with Rally would enable the community to effectively engage audiences throughout Asia, India, the Middle East, and beyond. He would advise on international strategy, compliance and payment structures, international talent and platform partnerships, people strategy and all elements of go-to-market priorities at an international scale. {Community Engagement Proposal: Robb Spitzer for International Expansion}
Miguel is interested in lending his expertise to open up new strategies for Rally to drive its liquidity and growth. His network is massive, and his knowledge of the cryptocurrency payments space, crypto market strategies, and drivers for growth is powerful and unique. His collaboration with the Rally network would be instrumental for the community’s growth.

I am all for deepening our bench but want to make sure we are not having a lot of overlap. Overlap is great but it starts red tape and then real estate battles. As we make these high profile hires is our infrastructure set up handle the success these individuals bring?