Mason - Thanks for your thoughts here. I haven’t been as active in the forums of late, but always appreciate a good discussion on Rally! Here is a quick write-up on why I believe in this system. Also available on discord if you want to discuss too.
I don’t want to lose sight of Kevin’s proposal to increase the CAR rewards and hope to see a proposal perhaps with some options for a 3 or 4x increase.
Also, I imagine Delphi is looking at CAR in general, but also CAR in relation to the alternative creator bonding curve templates they are designing. Look forward to their weighing in on how we can further optimize the CAR, and any considerations for creator communities employing these additional curves.
I saw from your last post and here that you’ve thought a lot about these rewards, and graciously shared that thinking with the community. Always encouraging to see a robust discussion on topics so important to the growth of the network!
In responding, I wanted to recall first what are the Community Activity Rewards from a network perspective?
Community Activity rewards are a subset of Network Usage Rewards (something like 5B or 7.5B RLY allocation), so that we keep this as our North Star: this idea that these rewards should further incentivize network usage. The “Community Activity Rewards are designed to specifically reward creator communities who actively participate in the Rally Network.” (From blog post)
The blog post also notes that everyone benefits when the $RLY is added as backing to the creator coin instead of going to individual users.
However, @daddyfatsax points out that in practice this wasn’t true…hence the redesign here:
“I believe the current reward design began with the thinking that consistently increasing total liquidity backing a coin is one of the strongest indicators of the health of a creator coin community and should therefore be the basis of a reward system that benefits the entire community. However, the mechanics of the calculation and distribution mean we’re not quite incentivizing positive movement in this indicator; instead, we’re enabling active traders to capture rewards independent of their effect on this metric, and we’re generally increasing/concentrating the volatility of a creator coin around the timing of reward distributions.” -DFS
The pro rata distribution of $RLY directly to CC holders seems to absolutely solve for this issue (active traders in a CC will only capture their pro-rata share). I don’t think you contend with this, but I want to make this point. It does create other potential issues that you outline, but do those issues outweigh the potential for active traders to capture rewards? No, not in my opinion. I’ll outline my thoughts below. Reminder for myself - does this system check the two boxes? 1. Further incentivize network usage. 2. Reward community members for their contributions to the network.
“1. Over time dead wallets will become a thing. We are simply sending RLY into the void of accounts that will never again see the light of day. Instead of those dead accounts continuing to benefit the remaining active community members, the additional value is siphoned into the void.”
Because RLY has a fixed supply, taking RLY out of circulation benefits all RLY and CC holders. I don’t think we should scrap the proposal or optimize around the smallest set of inactive users. Let’s design for the bread and butter users.
“2. We lose out on auto-compounding. Users who don’t want to login every weekend to reinvest their rewards are essentially losing out on gains because RLY doesn’t generate rewards on its own. If anything is shown by dapps like autofarm and pancake bunny, it is that auto-compounding is a valuable feature. I see this as a step backwards, not forwards.”
Very important here. The change proposed here is precisely for these users who aren’t logging in each weekend, and have been seeing their gains being scooped up by active traders. This has forced savvy supporters to sometimes painfully sell their CC before the drop to protect their investment in their creator. This is strictly broken.
Instead, under this system CC holders now realize the gains in RLY. They might miss out on FURTHER gains by not reinvesting in CC’s, but at least they have captured their share and will continue to do so in perpetuity based on their CC holdings. Active fans will almost certainly take this opportunity to use RLY to purchase more of their favorite CC anywhere across the RLY network.
However, you do raise an additional opportunity here that should be considered where RALLY could create an option for CC holders to opt-in to have their RLY rewards from a single or all their CC’s immediately reinvested back into the corresponding coins at the weekly rewards drop. Seems technically possible, though I don’t know if there would be any regulatory concern here.
"3. Equitable entry. Everyone in the community who supports a creator deserves equal share of that creators coin rewards, in the form of that creators coin. This will create a more competitive environment for the true believers. If I want to maximize my CC, I need to beat everyone else to enter into that coin the day we get our rewards so I get the best pricing on my entry. Much prefer everyone gets auto-entry into the coin, same block, fair proportions.
I think it is preferable to create a system where folks are racing to enter a coin at the end of each week than racing to exit under the current system. See above for creating an option to opt-in. I’d also add that for most supporters, this system allows them to maintain or grow their stake, but protects them from a depreciating interest in their creator."
“4. The spirit of the idea. This is probably the most minor, because its more of a mentality thing. In the previous system, if you wanted to cash out your rewards, you would have to actively sell the creator coin you believed in. Under the new system, you’ve essentially already cashed out, and now you would have to buy in. I think from a user mentality perspective its a lot easier to decide to cash out once the money is already out of the creator coin. To push the spirit of this idea, try the thought experiment of, why don’t we just distribute CAR as USDC or ETH? Then people can always just buy RLY and buy their favorite creator coins every week with their rewards. You can quickly see the sell pressure that creates on RLY, and while I don’t think it will be as noticeable, I do think it creates similar sell pressure on the creator coins that earned those rewards.”
While we are still in early adopter territory, I think we should continue to optimize the network for supporters above all else - even those supporters that fall into the backers category (to borrow from the user archetypes of supporter/farmer/backer that you outlined in your earlier post). Ultimately, I believe that building a robust network that can incentivize “supporters” is what will determine the success of the platform. To that end, distributing $RLY governance tokens to Creator Coin holders seems like an elegant way to incentivize further platform participation and activity, particularly for supporters. The greater risks of the previous system were clearly manifested for several communities, and so I support this in the absence of a better proposal to incentivize and rewards communities that grow network usage.