Proposal: SocialConnector Developer Grant

Great question! There is a massive future to RLY that will evolve into thousands and thousands of creators and will require a strain on all resources as the platform grows.

As we’ve seen with RLY lately stability is crucial to creator trust. Our intention is to build a stable platform in the most affordable way.

Sustainability will require ongoing fees to maintain the platform and ensure uptime. Holding of $GARY, while not free or maybe even the most ideal does offset that while we are growing in a fashion that doesn’t cost creators recurring income.

Great questions and you aren’t entirely wrong.

I am basing my proposal heavily on remarks from this comment

We are poised to be another success story from the RLY ecosystem. I hope this grant helps accelerate that.

So far we have built MVP’s that I am happy to demo. We do a Coffee & Conversations room every morning. If you send the message /verify to Ade Sal - Clubhouse you can go through the oAuth in a use case we have built.

Raise your hand in the room and get an auto-invite.

You can also type “donate coffee” and send me $3 USD in $GARY via email confirmation.

These were all built as MVP’s to prove our concepts. They are all fully functional but need to be evolved and stabilized to allow more creators to use the platform.

Great questions. I’ll address them 1:1.

  1. We are in communication with Clubhouse. We can’t guarantee the functionality of this bot but as of right now they are in communication with our development and happy with our progress. Most of our use cases won’t require integration with the Clubhouse Bot.

  2. We do not. You are only using the stage gating for the bot. All other items (including display of coin holders in Clubhouse Rooms) is not dependant on the bot. It’s through a public API we are using and our own internal data displays we have rebuilt.

  3. You are right. All API access could be revoked. Which is why we are building our most relevant component of this tool without access.

An oAuth CRM Integration

We have built use cases to allow this to work within Clubhouse and as a stand-alone process. We want to evolve and build a template for this for other creators. This will allow all RLY creators that choose to participate with direct integrations into major CRM’s such as Hubspot, Infusionsoft, MailChimp and many others.

I will also note that it’s very common practice for “Auxiliary” accounts on Clubhouse.

The last message I got from Clubhouse about our technology was:

“Lots going on at this point, excited to keep iterating on DMs”

This was after they tested our functionality.

I’ve seen and used the tools Gary (and team) have already put out, and am hugely supportive of a grant to support their continued investment in products for the creator ecosystem.

Tools like the ones Gary’s team is building will ultimately be a big driver of value for the overall Rally ecosystem, and a primary way that new creators and fans will first be introduced to Rally, as coin use cases start to pop up on the platforms where they already hang out.

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This is all great to know and seems like you have reasonable expectations.

However, given your public suspension(you announced on IG) from Clubhouse I do not feel safe moving forward with a project of this magnitude without written guarantees from the Clubhouse team. As mentioned previously, the blowback from something like this would be very harmful to the rally community and platform.

If the community does decide to move forward I think that there absolutely needs to be certain milestones for the grant money to vest otherwise a product that is shut down within a week is really expensive while not useful

I can understand your concerns completely. The tools are built and just need to be scaled out so that should build substantial confidence. The suspension wasn’t related to anything regarding this development and no further issues have been identified.

If the tools are already built then why is the grant so large for scaling?

Additionally, while you state the suspension isn’t related to anything like this, it still is a cause for concern and I think moving forward without a written permission from clubhouse for what you are doing(outlined explicitly) as well as how long you have permission for would be irresponsible.

I have identified we have MVP’s built and available to demo.

I have also identified that the mass majority of what we are building doesn’t require Clubhouse. That’s an extra use case that’s also included.

The grant is to fund stabilization and creator roll-out of what we have built.

It’s based heavily on this

So now the goal posts have moved from “Clubhouse isn’t going to be an issue” to “clubhouse isn’t the product” What is it? What is the truth? I feel that you are not being fully transparent here. If clubhouse use cases aren’t the main product then should those use cases be ‘discounted’ from your ask?

Additionally, you use Kevin’s post for Matt and Melissa’s proposal however Matt and Melissa are 2 former Coinbase engineers(high pedigree) that had asked for 500k to build out their entire application.

Since you are using them as your justification and benchmark for your grant, how do you think your team and your tool compare to that mark? Given that over half your uses cases laid out are high risk due to breaking TOS it’s unlikely that the 500k is reasonable

As an owner of Creator Coins by several creators and as someone who creates content, I am ecstatic at the prospect of being able to serve my community well with a connection between Clubhouse and Rally. I can only imagine the ability to create conversation, commitment and connection using these spaces together. It would be a whole other level to service and movement making. I see the future vision and can’t wait for this to become a reality.

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Rally reputation is huge for me

Do you have explicit approval from Clubhouse to use their API? of which I am not an expert but I am told that there is no public developer program/API. Then how are you integrating this? And if you are doing an end around what happens when CH becomes aware of this?

My questions are from a concerned investor in RALLY not in Creator coins. Can you answer 3 basic questions that require 2 numbers and yes or no.

  1. Hours that it took to develop your idea? ___ hours

  2. How much your infrastructure costs? $ ___

  3. If rally was banned from a platform would you invest your money in rally? Yes or No

Great questions and I respect your opinion.

The first part is they do have an api and they are very used to 3rd party tools being built. has already had a $1 mil VC round and it includes “api functionality”. Our utility doesn’t require any usage on Clubhouse that is a violation. Our core utility is connecting Coin Creators with their supporters via CRM and Social Audio. Our “coin bot” is just an added little benefit to gate a stage. That would be 100% optional for usage and not required for the rest of the functionality.

I will also mention that RLY has funded a Clubhouse project in the past that is similar in functionality.

Now to the specific questions:

  1. My ideas for community and growth in the creator economy have been developed for years. Putting a number of “hours” on the concept and idea is impossible. I’ve spent the past 9 years building communities in the influencer/creator space. So I guess you could say 9 years.

  2. We have pooled infrastructure and resources that have been developed over the past several years. We couldn’t have accomplished this without such resources.

  3. I don’t feel that “Banned” is even a discussion. You can’t “ban” rly from a platform. RLY is a group of creators. If a creator would choose not to use our services that’s 100% their choice.

I give up … i have asked simple questions. If this goes to a vote my vote is no because you are not answering simple questions. Thank you for your time.


As an update, we have just secured an integration with the virtual event company producing the virtual events for folks like Tony Robbins. They produced over $175 Million in revenue for their clients in 2020.

This will allow for gated virtual events with creator coin and NFT.

This will also allow for dynamic audience data for virtual event attendees similar to our clubhouse use case above.

I want to restate.

This is not a Clubhouse utility. This is a way for creators to connect with their community!

Hey Gary – It seems like there is some significant support for your proposal based on your contributions to the community thus far. That said, it also seems as if there is some confusion about what you are building, and how you plan to do it. Maybe a good next step would be to incorporate the insights from the conversation thus far into a new post. That’s what I would do! Thank you for this proposal and excited to see what comes next. x


Hey All! I am obviously not the best at writing proposals and grants but what we are building is pretty epic! I would love to bring this to market for other creators to use. I’m open to ideas and collaborations to polish this and have it go to vote. Anyone willing to assist and I’ll gladly pay a consulting fee for my lack of clear communication and explanation if you are able to help!

Without Android support I don’t see how this is logical. Most phones in the world are android and not addressing that in your plan of action is troubling since there are 3 android users for every apple one.

And as far as Clubhouse goes, they currently only have about 2 million active users per week. Is there not some other venue that gives more bang for the buck? Since they have not grown much over the last 4-5 months, and other social networks are bringing similar functionality to their ecosystems, would it not make sense to target them to grow rally and creator economies in a far more efficient manner, versus funneling people into the apple ecosystem and then further into the clubhouse basket. It is like taking a portion of the market and shrinking it further and hoping that clubhouse continues to grow when it seems to have slowed growth dramatically.

Just wanted to add some hard perspective on how I would approach this project.

What do you mean by Android support? Clubhouse released an android app a few months ago and our systems are compliant.

Currently Functioning MVP’s

Apple Pass:

We built an apple pass that connects to RLY with your wallet so your coin holders can have their balance in their wallets. We also have a built-in notification engine to send notifications to Apple devices.

Also, putting all your eggs in the clubhouse basket was not addressed.