RLY Whitepaper goes live

Gm everyone, good news! The RLY whitepaper is live, all 57 pages of it can be found here: https://rly.network/RLYEcosystemWhitepaper.pdf

The goal of the whitepaper is to function as source of learning for anyone who wants to do a RLY ecosystem deep dive. The paper introduces RLY, RLY’s relationship to concepts such as Web3 and how RLY aims to onboard the next 100m users to crypto. The whitepaper also aims to demonstrate how each of the individual RLY entities contribute to the overall RLY ecosystem, explain how each entity functions, the role RLY ecosystem tokenomics have and the intricacies of application level tokenomics such as flow controls and token bonding curves.

What is important to note is that the whitepaper is not final, as the RLY ecosystem develops through the contributions of the community, creators and RLY team members it will be continuously updated. That being said, we encourage everyone to read through the paper and express where they feel improvements can be made or more explanation is required. Also feel free to share it with anyone who you feel might be interested in reading it, an outside perspective is always welcome.

Have a great day everyone and enjoy the content :smiley: