UPDATE: Making some edits based on replies. Will mark those in bold italics.
Picking up on part of a multi-point thread from @sixmofo (Voting and Governance: A solution), the key essence of which was: “Creator coin approval would be done by a team [no need for individual votes]. Rally leadership will suggest a team and then the community will vote on that.”
At the time of this writing, based on previous proposals, we use the Rally Snapshot (https://snapshot.page/#/rally) to post all creators for approval on an individual basis with voting open to anyone holding $RLY ($RLY being the governance token for all Rally and Creator Coin proposals).
At scale, this solution may become untenable as the number of inbound creators may exceed the ability to post and vote on dozens of proposals per week.
Rally Staff, advisors, and members of the $RLY holders community to form a Creator Review Council to review and approve/deny creators on a regular basis.
Number of Council Members and Nominations
The council would initially be comprised of 7 members, with room to add additional members in the future based on scale. Rally Staff shall comprise no more than 3 members of the council to promote community oriented governance. A couple of seats would be allotted to official Advisors. The rest of the council would be at large members of the Rally community. At large nominations would be reviewed for contributions to the Rally community and participation in $RLY governance and Creator Coin economies.
Rally Staff to create a simple form application for self nominations. Call for submissions to be made on social media (Rally.io Twitter), Discord, community calls, and blog. Call for submissions will take place over one week, then an up to two weeks to vet and select a roster to be put forward for a Snapshot proposal vote.
Council will review Creator Coin candidates, and may request to review previously approved creators.
The council would be organized through a special role + private Discord channel(s). One channel for the list of creators, one channel for the discussion of creators.
Creators up for approval would be captured in a privately shared document, such as a spreadsheet, with info such as Name, Bio, and at least one social link for review purposes.
An explicit “Yes” vote would not be required on a per creator basis. Rather, any council member can request a focused discussion of a creator. A council member can then call for a vote on a single creator should that member procure 1 other member to support, or second, their request. A simple majority (51%) of Yes votes would then be required to approve the creator.
If a vote is required for a previously approved member, 67% majority is required for removal. Voting period 1 week (M-F).
Should a vote be required, quorum for a new creator is 67% of members.
Quorum to vote on a previously approved creator for removal is 90%.
Given current volumes of creators submitted for proposal, creator review can happen 2 days/week. This would also stress test the system as volume grows.
At future scale (dozens of creators per week), creator review should happen 1 day/week.
Oversight and Term Limits
$RLY is the governance token for voting on this future proposal, and the council members proposal. After approval, council members can be removed by $RLY token holders proposal. The council is not an extension of the company, but rather serves the community of $RLY holders.
Transparency: Rosters of recently reviewed creators will be posted to a new Discord channel. If a candidate or current creator is brought to a vote, those Yes and No votes will include the Ethereum addresses of the voters.
NDA: All council members will sign an NDA. This will be necessary should the launch of an approved creator require an embargo.
Term limits: While a sitting council member can resign or be removed through a $RLY Governance vote (via Snapshot proposal), we should consider term limits for sitting members. Initial thought is to review participation every 6 months, with a maximum term of 2 years. Council could ensure some level of ongoing attrition such that there is a mix of experience across council members.
Resignation or replacement: If a council member resigns or requires replacement, there will be a call for submissions for a new council member and a Snapshot proposal vote on a select set of candidates.
Documentation: Documentation of these rules to be posted to the Rally wiki.
In the future, the Creator Review Council could also be considered for review of previously approved creators whose activity may require community review.
Let me stop there and open this for discussion. I look forward to your feedback!